The next meeting of the GSPC of Nebraska will be on Monday, June 7, 7:00pm at Sapp Brothers, Apple Barrel, 144th (Hwy 50) and I-80, Omaha NE. This meeting is to finalize the 2021 club officers which was not completed at the annual meeting. The nomination of officers includes: Vice President - Bob Erbe, Board of Directors - Scott Thielen and Jeff Schnipkoweit. Mary Wyant has stepped down as as club treasurer and Jan Erbe has offered to assume the position, hoping that someone will will offer their services as club secretary. Nominations will be received from the floor prior to elections. The club also need to start planning the August and September field trials.

Minutes of the April meeting will follow at a later date. Hope to see you at the June meeting. We also welcome new club member, Ryan Griess.

Jan Erbe,
Secretary GSPC of NE

